Getting Started

Easily fetch data using HomeIP’s residential proxy from various global locations. Remember, each request provides a new IP address, thanks to HomeIP's auto-rotating Residential Proxies.

Basic Request

Send a request from a random location using the following cURL command. Ensure you replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your own proxy user credentials.

curl -x -U "username=USERNAME:PASSWORD"

HomeIP Residential Proxies support HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 protocols. Learn how to effectively use these protocols here.

Request via a Specific Country Proxy

Want to request using a proxy from France? Simply append country=fr to your username. Here's how you can do that with cURL. We also offer code samples in multiple programming languages for your convenience.

curl -x -U "username=USERNAME+country=fr:PASSWORD"

City-Level Proxy Targeting

You can also target specific cities! Here's a request via a proxy from London, UK. Just add cc-GB-city-london to your username.

curl -x -U "customer-USERNAME-cc-GB-city-london:PASSWORD"

Want more insights on city-level targeting? Click here.

Maintaining a Constant Proxy

Need to keep the same proxy across multiple requests? Use the session control feature. Add session=YourRandomString to your username. Ensure that you replace 'YourRandomString' with a unique identifier of your choice. As long as you maintain this session ID, you'll retain the same proxy IP.

Discover more about session control here.

curl -x -U "username=USERNAME+session=YourRandomString:PASSWORD"

Integration Tutorials

Get step-by-step integration guides with popular third-party tools like Multilogin, ShadowRocket, or SwitchyOmega. Or, use the Endpoint generator to set up Residential Proxies.

Just log in to your dashboard, select "Residential Proxies", and tap on "Endpoint generator". Define your parameters and receive a tailored list of endpoints, ensuring seamless integration with your favorite tools.

Monitoring Your Usage

Track your generated traffic, request count, and more by simply logging in to your dashboard. Add proxy users (sub-users) and monitor their stats independently.

Need Assistance?

Our dedicated team is always here to help. For any further inquiries, reach out to your account manager or our stellar support team at

Last updated